Ancestral Belonging Sessions
This three session program is designed to help you create a daily practice for connecting to your ancestors. Many people of color (myself included) have gaps in the story of where we come from and who came before us. I know how frustrating and painful it can feel to not know how to reconnect. The good news is that the ancestral story held in your body and spirit is fully intact, and you have access to it through your intuition.
In these ancestral belonging sessions I will help you to use your intuition, along with any ancestral information you have, to create a daily spiritual practice for connecting to your ancestors. The practice includes spontaneous prayer, meditation and offerings, following a moon schedule.
You will be encouraged to infuse this practice with your culture, values and anything else that is sacred to you.
Session One - Getting started
Daily practice
Discuss personal ancestry
Honor indigenous land claims
Personalized advice on alter elements
How to choose offerings
What to do if you don’t know your family member names
Session Two - New Moon
Personalized new moon ancestor ritual
Which offerings to make
Journal prompts
Making new moon intentions
Session Three - Full Moon
Personalized full moon ancestor ritual
Which offerings to make
Journal prompts
Full moon queries & reflection