SayYes2Joy Mission
Provide equitable joy-based resources to individuals, families and institutions.
Joy as a lifestyle
Joy is the essential state of being alive; joy is the human base-state of peaceful vitality rooted in a deep sense of belonging in self, community, and the natural world.
01. Peaceful Vitality
The visceral experience of existing in the body without attachment to shame or judgement.
02. Self
Permission to exist fully within one’s integrity, honoring one’s inextricable connection to worthiness.
03. Community
Nurturing healthy relationships, honoring others as self. Understanding self as an inextricable part of the greater whole of creation.
04. Natural World
Understanding the physical world as an extension of the body, fauna and flora as an extension of community; nurturing healthy body and community.
Meet Maya

Maya Sterin
joy expert ○ writer ○ coach
FOUNDER of sayyes2joy
Maya has dedicated the more than a decade to researching joy and applying the best practices evidenced by that research. She started SayYes2Joy, determined to share their joy-based discoveries with the world.
The biggest surprise along the way? Learning that joy comes naturally; joy isn’t something to seek out or add on…joy is innate to each person; they can rediscover and nurture it.
“Joy is the essential state of being alive; joy is the human base-state of peaceful vitality rooted in a deep sense of belonging in self, community, and the natural world.”
Maya Sterin | Research-based Definition of Joy